What Is Mine? What Is Yours?
01 Dec 2024 | Shantiniketen India What Is Mine? What Is Yours? Note: I deeply respect the wisdom shared by my teachers, but what truly
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I have read this book cover to cover.
Let me elucidate the highlights briefly. What did I understand from the introductory book? Generally, his ideas regarding the subject of citizenship are political. R. Bellamy begins by explaining citizenship, why it matters, and the components of citizenship that have an essential link to democratic politics. He examines the leading ideas containing political and social perceptions of citizenship that: exist today and addresses the convolution behind critical contemporary issues.
The author also mentioned that interest in citizenship has never been higher. It has become a sectional drama in the name of patriotism for politicians, political leaders, and every kind of campaigning group from the global to the local level. How have ideas of citizenship changed through time, from ancient Greece to the present?
He proposed teaching citizenship as a subject in institutes and schools, which will undoubtedly affect political systems and nation-states. He also examined the multiple variations of citizenship and human rights, the impact of globalization, and the cosmopolitan desirability of citizenship.
His analytical interpretation is that the theories of citizenship fall into two types: normative and empirical conjectures. A notion of citizenship throws light on concepts such as membership, belonging, and the relationship between citizenship, rights, and democracy.
I disagree with him to some extent. I would say that citizenship supposition moves beyond the empirical and normative theories and falls into other categories, as I addressed on the domain worldthroughart.com in the post: World Peace is Y(our) Business, such as biological and existential, natural and geo-cosmos, psychological and conceptual, Etc.
The rise of globalization and multiculturalism affects the nation-state systems of citizenship that are sectional and unequal. Contemporary theories are moving towards the doctrines of Cosmopolitan structures, and the maximum population is unaware and rejecting their fundamentals based on an existential timeline interconnected with biological existence and history.
Bellamy argues for the significance of state citizenship chiefly on the ground that individual participation and feeling of responsibility become remote in a larger arena. R. Bellamy discusses how democracy, a two-party system, and a voting electorate, whose members must select between parties offering positions on a host of issues (rather than figuring each matter by itself in a plebiscite, for example), increase the value and the worth of collaborative democracy.
Finally, he addressed that: what he hopes to have mentioned in the book is that: that is not possible. Citizenship and democratic politics sink and swim together.
To seek separation between the two cripples not only the possibility of political citizenship: but also the values associated with the concept of citizenship itself. The reinvigoration of citizenship, therefore, depends on revitalizing rather than decreasing political collaboration with it. Its primary benefits are a sense of belonging and a commitment to rights.
It is a gratifying introductory book for readers with a strong interest in citizenship and government. However, the book poses logical and soothing questions that it is the ambition of the book to make the reader think about and answer.
Thank you.
01 Dec 2024 | Shantiniketen India What Is Mine? What Is Yours? Note: I deeply respect the wisdom shared by my teachers, but what truly
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